E Megatron
Security Systems

The EMegatron mark was customised to stand for integrated security & surveillance services. The hexagon shaped shield stands for security and the inner circle depicts the eye of a surveillance camera, both fitted inside another hexagon. The hexagon is the most complex regular polygon that can fill a plane and are the closest shape to a circle that can still form a solid grid, thus making them the strongest and most optimum way to make connections.
The simple, futuristic mark comprehended the brand’s language to depict the confidence and boldness of a reputed technology driven company.

We supply video surveillance applications, offer full-line solutions that create reliable, resilient systems that can sustain your business and community.
E Megatron
Our expertise in security systems represents one of the safest secure standards for security and beyond. We help build, connect, power and protect valuable assets and critical infrastructures. From enterprises to industries, we supply video surveillance applications, offer full-line solutions that create reliable, resilient systems that can sustain your business and community.
In collaboration with
Orpheus Brandcom
Branding + Website | 2018
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